Cloud computing and cloud software have received more and more attention in recent years. There are not only many new opportunities but also new challenges. Nevertheless, the importance of cloud computing for companies is increasing because the potential is still not exhausted. This is reflected in the smooth transition via the hybrid cloud as well as the spread of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS), Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), and Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) models. Those capabilities help move native and legacy applications to the cloud.
Further development is also taking place with Kubernetes or the topic of artificial intelligence (AI). Under these conditions, a new programming paradigm is already emerging.

What's the future of cloud computing?
Already about ¾ of all companies use cloud computing, and even ⅓ have the public cloud in use. With an increasing tendency, the global turnover in cloud computing is also expected to develop from 182 billion US dollars to 331 billion in 2022.
Therefore, it can be assumed that cloud computing will fight its way to the top of enterprise technologies in the next decade. Furthermore, the cloud is proving to be a driver of efficiency and innovation, which is why enterprises and decision-makers are putting more effort into migrating their data to the cloud. The result of this can be seen in revenue growth. Cloud-based enterprises will also rely on automation to maintain their quality and security - the reason being faster and continuous operations over time.
The promise of cloud computing represents more than just a faster, more efficient version of everything we did before – it’s an entirely new way of thinking and working across any IT environment.
(Google cloud; The Future of Cloud Computing, p12)
Is a change in Cloud Computing expected?
Many years ago, the electricity revolution took place - electricity was so expensive at the time that anyone who wanted to use the resource had to use a free-standing generator to produce electricity. After some time, electric utilities became established, and people started getting their electricity from companies instead of generators.
Today, we are witnessing a new revolution. Like electricity, cloud computing is inviting us to change the way we think about computing: user-centric instead of desktop-centric. This means harnessing the potential of the cloud to move computation and processing from the local to the cloud so that the capacity of the cloud is used in ways we never knew before.
Currently, we are in the early stages of the cloud computing revolution. The most important thing to say beforehand is that cloud computing will enjoy a great future. To better understand the point of view of cloud computing, we refer to a study by Kelton Research (2009):
9 out of 10 C-level executives and IT decision-makers in the US are familiar with cloud computing.
6 in 10 C-level executives and IT decision-makers worldwide are familiar with cloud computing.
71 percent worldwide agree that cloud computing is the future.
2 out of 3 IT decision-makers believe cloud computing reduces upfront costs
In the future, data in the cloud will have a decisive effect. One of the most significant challenges in cloud computing today is the aspect of security, as many companies still trust their in-house solution more than cloud computing. Overcoming security problems will therefore become more and more of a priority. In addition, ownership and a concrete set of rules will become more important in cloud computing.
The market potential for cloud computing will visibly increase in business and productivity applications and online advertising.
As a good and fundamental example of cloud computing development and change, the cloud provider AWS can be taken. Only in the last four years, AWS launched 800 new features. AWS is a leading cloud infrastructure provider and launched 250 new features on its Re:invent event platform in 2020 alone.
But not only AWS but also GCP and Microsoft Azure are following suit with countless new cloud services. Covid-19 forced us into a work environment that didn't exist before. This allowed cloud services to generate tremendous growth. Zoom, for example, jumped from 10 million to over 200 million users in 2020. In plain language, this means that we are in a state of upheaval with every new requirement that must be constantly adapted. A learning process for both people and systems.
Is there high job demand recently?
In the past few years, cloud computing has evolved and steadily increased in explosiveness. IT decision-makers and users increasingly realize the value-creating potential of the cloud. The use of cloud computing is seen as a driver for innovation - so cloud strategies are continuously being developed. These are embedded in overall IT strategies and call for further integration of cloud services, big data, or social media. An increasing number of companies are therefore trying to move their data to the cloud. As a result, workloads and usage peaks are increasingly being changed, and data must be available 24/7. The result is seen in increasing IT-related tasks. A common misconception is that IT knowledge is only needed in the IT industry. However, increasing digitalization already requires IT knowledge in all industries.
As companies do not want to be entirely dependent, the multi-cloud approach has also emerged. Multi-cloud infrastructures enable companies to select the resources they want from a combination of different clouds. As a result, the way of working is also structurally changed, and changed (IT) structures require IT personnel who can manage all complex systems.
What jobs are currently in connection with cloud computing?
Cloud computing is often misinterpreted as reducing jobs. However, precisely the opposite is Cloud computing does not correlate with job losses but with a total restructuring of the IT workforce. A basic technical understanding opens doors for people who want to gain a foothold in the (IT) industry. More and more industries are joining the virtual world as well as the world of cloud computing, creating jobs with a day-to-day function.
10 industries that particularly benefit from cloud computing:
IT Industry
Online Entertainment
Finance and Banking
Marketing Companies
Hospitality Industry
Security Protection
Start-Up Businesses
Furthermore, a decisive criterion can be mentioned here: Customer orientation. Our practical experience has shown us that companies often start their cloud journey by migrating their CRM system to the cloud. This primarily favors the generation of sales. Since companies are finding that fears about the security of their data are becoming increasingly unfounded.
What skills are needed to get a job in cloud computing?
As a basis for gaining a foothold in a profession in the cloud computing business, it is above all important to ensure that you enjoy a technical profession’s framework. For example, this includes programming languages and basic know-how of cloud providers, cloud security, or cloud migration. Of course, there are different learning paths in each sector, which means it depends on the career path you would like to choose. As a further tip: check the different learning paths of the cloud provider certifications to get an idea of what you can expect. Furthermore, soft skills are not neglected in the technical area either. In the cloud computing field, people often work in teams, so team competence and good communication skills are indispensable components. Finally, motivation and a passion for the subject should not be missing and it should be at the top of your list.